
Episode Three: Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan is one enigmatic kind of a guy.

It is only in the last few years that my love for Dylan has been augmented by a slightly greater understanding of who he is. Partially due to reading his most recent book "Chronicles: Volume One" and partially due to his own words from interviews like this radio piece from 1963 with Stud Terkel.

The Stud Terkel's Wax Museum Radio interview is pretty well known amongst the Dylan bootleg trading circles, and it is considered a "must" own by all.

The first time I listened to the interview I just loved how annoyed Dylan always seems to be, never admitting anything, never agreeing with Stud (is that right?)

Now, I just feel like it is a great moment in time, hearing Dylan play music, already in complete command of his song at the ripe age of 21, it is pretty mind blowing if you ask me. The snippet I have included may not do the interview justice, see what you think. If you want a copy of the whole thing drop me a line and I will burn you one. Till then.

Bob Dylan
Stud Terkel's Wax Museum
WFMT Radio, Chicago, IL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

with no damage to your business’ budget whatsoever.