
Episode Nine: Stanley Kubrick

I have been a fan, devotee, follower, of Stanley Kubrick ever since I got over sleeping through my first viewing of 2001. It was in its initial release at the Ziegfeld Theater in NYC and I was 7 years old. I remember I curled up on the floor shortly into the "Dawn Of Man" sequence and went to sleep. That is all I can remember. About ten years later I saw 2001 for a second time and there was no turning back. Kubrick's reclusive lifestyle contrasted by his insane ability to archive made his fans, like myself, hunger for any smidgen of getting close to his world.

I recently came across an interview done in 1966 by Jeremy Bernstein in preparation for a New Yorker profile on Kubrick. Though I enjoyed the entire interview, which is about 75 minutes long and covers everything from his school years through 2001. What I enjoyed most were the parts not about filmmaking, but about how his mind works, those are the parts that made me feel like I was getting to know him a little bit. The excerpt I have included here is about his thoughts on war and the total destruction of the planet earth, which he was of course fully inundated with before during and after the making of Dr. Strangelove.

This audio interview gave me a feeling of that intimacy and made me think, well I'll be darned, it's been 1127 days since my last Soundbytez podcast, what have I got to lose?

There are many trails of Kubrickian fun to be searched for on the internet, but if you want a great place to start, and possibly the best overall collection of SK breadcrumbs, check out the Stanley Kubrick archives over at Coudal.com, there is plenty to keep you busy until perhaps me next Soundbytez entry? I don't know.

Since it has been over 1100 days since my last submission I would love to get at least one email from the outside world to see if anyone is still even listening or subscribed or if I should just give up while I am ahead.


IMDB Stanley Kubrick
Wiki Stanley Kubrick
Full Jeremy Bernstein Interview and New Yorker Article Kubrick/Bernstein Archive

Download entire interview